
up police

  Searching porn on Google in UP? Govt will now monitor and send messages to internet users The UP Police on Saturday said that a new team called the 'UP Women Powerline 1090' has been set up to monitor people's internet activities. ADVERTISEMENT Ankita Chakravarti   New Delhi February 16, 2021 UPDATED: February 16, 2021 11:59 IST HIGHLIGHTS The Police on Saturday revealed that it has hired a company to monitor people’s internet search data. The team would monitor whether people are looking for pornographic content on Google. The measure has been taken to “curb crimes against women”. Johnny Sins American pornographic actor Description Description Steven Wolfe, known professionally as Johnny Sins, is an American pornographic actor, director, and YouTuber. Known for his shaved head and muscular physique, he is consistently among the most popular pornography searches.  Wikipedia Born :  31 December 1978 (age 42 years),  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United St...